Welcome to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food – Program Operation Data System (PODS) Applicant Portal.

Create an account

Login requires a valid Basic BCeID or Business BCeID account. A BCeID provides free, secure access to multiple online government services and programs. Signing in using BCeID allows you to start, save, access, review, change, and submit program applications and claims.

Portal Sign in

Sign in to the portal with a BCeID or Business BCeID by clicking "Sign in" in the right-hand corner on this page.


Start a new application by clicking on the program stream that you would like to apply to. Your saved draft applications can be found on the 'My Applications' tab at the top of the page after sign-in. The system only allows for one draft application at a time. To start a new application, you must either submit or delete any previous drafts.

If you accidentally start an application for the incorrect program stream, you can access and delete the draft in 'My Applications' in the top panel. You can then start a new application in the correct program stream. Unsubmitted (draft) applications will be automatically deleted from the system in 60 days after program intake closes.


Claim forms for submitted applications can be accessed from the 'My Claims' tab at the top of the page after sign-in.

Programs Accepting Applications

For more information about specific programs, for example, timelines, eligibility criteria, and how to apply, please see the Agriculture and seafood programs page.

Professionals seated around a conference table watching a presentation

Knowledge and Technology Transfer Program

Accepting Applications

The objective of the KTTP is to increase the competitiveness, resiliency, and innovation of the B.C. agriculture and food sector through facilitated knowledge and technology transfer. Please note that there is a four week service standard. For more information about the program and the individual streams, visit the program page.

Apply now for 2025 Spring Intake

Staff watching a traceability knowledge transfer presentation

Veterinary and Veterinary Technologist Students Working in BC Food Animal Practices

Applications are closed

Veterinary and Veterinary Technologist Students Working in BC Food Animal Practices Program is a program to provide summer placement costs for both veterinary and veterinary technologist students working in rural veterinary practices. Please visit the program page for announcements.

Peaches Plums Cherries Apples

Tree Fruit Climate Resiliency Program

Applications are closed

The Tree Fruit Climate Resiliency Program is designed to strengthen the resilience and preparedness of B.C.’s tree fruit sector against extreme weather events. Please visit the program page for announcements.

The program is now closed, as the total requested funding has exceeded available funds.

Woman holding crop in hand

B.C. Agri-Business Planning Program

Applications are closed

The B.C. Agri-Business Planning Program (ABPP) provides funding support for primary agricultural producers and agriculture, food and beverage processors to support informed decision making and ensure business development. For more information about the program and the individual streams, visit the program page.

Female veterinarian in barn with cows

Veterinary and Veterinary Technologists Locums Working in BC Food Animal Practices

Applications are closed

The Veterinary and Veterinary Technologists Locums Working in BC Food Animal Practices Pilot Program's purpose is to establish a locum bank of veterinarians and registered veterinary technologists (RVTs) that are willing to provide veterinary services for BC veterinary practices that offer food animal services, with a priority for servicing practices outside of the lower mainland. The pilot is being administered by the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food (AF). This program is funded in part by the Government of Canada under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative. For more information about the program, visit the program page.

Man standing in front of farming equipment

New Entrant Farm Business Accelerator Program

The New Entrant Farm Business Accelerator (NEFBA) Program supports the growth of new entrants by providing financial support for the development and implementation of farm business plans and growth strategies. Through Phase 1, a new farm business can receive support to develop a growth strategy. Through Phase 2, a new farm business can receive support to make investments necessary to achieve farm income growth goals, ensure commercial viability and strengthen financial sustainability. For more information about the program, visit the program page.

New Entrant Farm Business Accelerator Program Phase 1

Applications are closed

Due to overwhelming demand, the NEFBA Phase 1 application intake has closed. The next intake for the New Entrant Farm Business Accelerator Program will be in 2025.

New Entrant Farm Business Accelerator Program Phase 2

Applications are closed